Our story
Hi my name is Shayla. I created Keikimadehawaii to share my creations with you and your little keiki 🤍
My story,
My last trimester of pregnancy I decided it was best to not work anymore as it got a little hard for me to deal with my health conditions while pregnant. ( my job wasn’t a fan of the doctors appointments or even the 10-15 min I needed to do virtual appointments with my Oahu specialist weekly for my pregnancy) so it was decided it was just best for me to let go of the job that never once supported my pregnancy but instead treated me like it was a burden for something that was so beautiful, I was creating a new life.
My sewing started slowly after I had my baby boy. I was going through PPD while trying to navigate my new life as a first time mom. I have never loved someone so much in my life, he truly is my biggest blessing but it always felt like a part of me was missing, like I wasn’t a good enough mom, like I didn’t deserve such a big blessing. I constantly downed my self for not having a job, not helping to support my self or my baby and solely relying off of my dessert page and my other half ( he never had a problem supporting us but the PPD made me think I was useless for not having a job and not financially supporting my family along with so many other thoughts it completely took over my life). I always saw the cutest things for baby’s but not having a job getting things just because their cute wasn’t really an option in the budget. I always had the mind set of well if I can’t buy it I could DIY it, I always had a creative side but never really shared it, but the escape I found in sewing and the feeling of making things for my baby took all the negative thoughts away, it was like I was in a new world with no negative thoughts, where my PPD wasn’t completely taking over my life. While baby napped I planned, watched YouTube videos, TikTok’s and practiced any chance I got. I had no time to soak in the negative thoughts if I was sewing. I wanna share with you guys the thing that saved me and I want to bring the same joy to other mamas with the little things I create for our keiki. Everything is sewn by me with hours of work and lots of love 🤍